Publishing Flash Animations

Designer lets you export drawings to Macromedia Flash format (SWF), which can run as animations in the Flash Player. If you need this, go to and click Macromedia Flash Player. Flash animations are "flip-page" animations; each step of the animation is displayed on a separate frame. When you export to SWF, Designer creates a frame for each layer in a drawing or each step in a transform or blend.

The maximum page size you can use in Designer to create a Flash movie is 11.375 x 11.375 inches. This produces a Flash movie that is 819 x 819 pixels, at 72 dpi. Objects can be located off the page (like being off camera), but must be within the extents of the page (movie). The maximum area in which objects can be located is about 45 x 45 inches (3250 x 3250 pixels).

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